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Sunday, February 27, 2011

A New Dance

Today is the the last day of my Mid Winter Break Vacation from work. I head back to work tomorrow. I have to say, normally I would be sad that the break was over and that I was going back to work tomorrow. But today, I am a new creature. Old things have passed away. I AM NEW! I am learning that I MUST be thankful in ALL things.Even the things that I once thought were hard, He is there. If I look closely, I can see His face, His beautiful eyes looking at me. God is everywhere I look. He is in the new snow that fell over the past two days. He is in the snow capped branches on the trees... the same branches that if you look closely, I see the buds of Spring just under those freshly formed caps of snow. He is in the everyday routine of getting up while it is still dark (and the rest of my family is still fast asleep), to prepare lunches for school and work, prep the dogs for separation from their people and before the working the fingers to the bone at my job. He is there. His eyes wink in delight at me. He is there!
He is there with me every step I take, every breath I breathe and with every beat of my heart. He is there, He is beautifully, miraculously risen... He is there. His rhythm has been orchestrated. His melody is playing softly within my heart. It moves me, guides me in a new dance of life's blessings giving me a new heart that is now filled with a brand new song of gratitude and joys abundant overture. I literally feel my feet gliding off the floor as I dance this new dance to this new magnificent song. This dance is carefree, elegant, graceful and perfectly choreographed by the Master Choreographer. He leads as I follow. This dance fills my life, my heart, my very being with new meaning, new hope and a new awakening to my once asleep feet and my once slumbered heart. I am ALIVE! I am AWAKE! I am dancing with my King, here and now, today, in this very moment. We are face to face dancing, cheek to cheek.
In the words of a great author, that is changing my entire outlook on life, I end with this quote from her book:

"So then as long as thanks is possible... I think this through. As long as thanks is possible, then joy is possible. Joy is always possible. Whenever, meaning- now. Whenever, meaning- here. The holy grail of joy is not in some exotic location or some emotional mountain peak experience. The joy wonder could be here! Here in the messy, pierced ache now, joy might be- unbelievably- possible! The only place we need to see before we die is this place of seeing God, here and now."
Ann Voskamp - One Thousand Gifts

Live joyfully today in the here, in the now. Look for His face. If you look closely you will find that He is there looking back, seeing you right where you are and ready to dance with you.

"Let them joyfully praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!" Psalm 149:3


Dorie said...

Beautiful thoughts to encourage us all! Your post as it speaks of joy and dancing, reminds me of an old hymn I once heard my neices sing. I think it was called "Lord of the Dance," not sure though. May your return to work go smoothly tomorrow.

BARBIE said...

Beautifully written!

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