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Thursday, September 9, 2010

All Work No Play

Sometimes we just have to work. Work is a part of life. Every one's life. Nothing in this world is free. I wish money grew on trees and things were free, but money is not grown it is earned and the things that we need cost money! I wish I had more time to write on my blog and sit and read all of the blogs I loved and followed. But, lately I am lucky I have time to go to the bathroom. Today I have the day off so I can write. But, yesterday I was too busy working to write. That is just how it is. One of my husband's favorite sayings is; "It is what it is." Well, it is what it is and right now my life is all work and no play. I know in the past I have gotten stressed out from this and when I am stressed out I run to food. That however, is in the past. I no longer run to food when I am stressed. I have learned to run to God. I have learned that I will no longer be a victim of stress. I will no longer allow stress to distress me. I will instead run in the victory that God has given me. I will remember where I came from. My wounds of the past are in the past. But, the scar of the wound is a reminder for me to remember that God has protected me in the fierce battles of the past wars I have fought in. I am not maimed by those scars anymore. I am no longer fixated on those scars, and I will no longer allow those scars to make me feel disfigured. I have been set free. I have been made new. Yes, the scars are still there. They are still visible, and I can tell you what each scar represents. I can tell you how each scar was inflicted upon me, how much it hurt when it happened and how long it took to recover from the wound. Now, I can also tell you that it does get better. You do heal. You do recover. You do have victory in the end. Yes the battle may be fierce. Yes the battle may be long. Yes the work may be hard. Yes sometimes there is no play time. But all wars end. All work ends. There is a time in every day that you get to go home. There is a time where the work of our hands is estableshed, blessed and we are rewarded for our hard work. Until then; work, fight, and run to the battle. It will only make you stronger. NO RETREAT!

"From now on, don't let anyone trouble me with these things. For I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to Jesus." Galatians 6:17

"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us--yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90:17


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